Email Bookmarklet

I use the Share on Facebook bookmarklet a lot to share links with people, not because I love Facebook but because it’s a lot easier than copying the link, switching to email, creating a new email, pasting the link, and typing the page title. But a friend suggested that it might not be be best way to share pages because some companies block, and he finds it somewhat annoying (which I understand…and agree with).  Not to mention not all my friends are on Facebook, and sometimes the Facebook bookmarklet doesn’t attach the link.

So, after about 10 seconds of searching I found an article (5 Recommended Bookmarklets To Simplify Tedious Tasks) that included a similar bookmarklet for email.  Just drag this link to your bookmarks bar — Email this — and it’ll automatically open a new mail message with the page name in the subject and the URL in the message.