“Gentlemen…behold! I have shut down a major American city!”
What drives me nuts about this whole thing besides the fact that these have been posted around the city for at least 2 weeks before this whole thing (figuratively) blew up is that TV and newspaper reports keep referring to these small light-up billboards as “packages” (they’re clearly not) and calling the whole thing a “hoax.” Jeff summed it up best:
These guerilla ads are not hoaxes. Perhaps they are graffiti. Perhaps they were poorly planned and executed, but there is absolutely nothing “hoax” about them. A hoax is something designed to look like something else. These were battery powered illuminated signs designed to look like battery powered illuminated signs.
Also, I find it hard to believe that there are no college interns — i.e. somebody who would recognize the Mooninites — working for the Boston city government or any of the Boston TV stations or newspapers…