The Garden Comes to Life

I’m getting real sick of seeing Christmas photos in my Flickr account (which, in turn, show on the photos page and in the footer here. Since this is a great time of year for gardeners — seeing old plants coming back to life, working on new garden plans — I figured I’d take this opportunity …

Walking is the Best Exercise

Well, as a “sedentary person” who is finally (now that the snow and cold weather is gone) getting out and walking again, I was happy to read What’s the Best Exercise? (NY Times): [I]n general, a sedentary person’s risk of dying prematurely from any cause plummeted by nearly 20 percent if he or she began brisk …

Email Bookmarklet

I use the Share on Facebook bookmarklet a lot to share links with people, not because I love Facebook but because it’s a lot easier than copying the link, switching to email, creating a new email, pasting the link, and typing the page title. But a friend suggested that it might not be be best …

New Music Wednesday

I’m not really plugged in to the world of new music anymore: I’m old and follow the bands I like. Occasionally I “discover” a new band (usually after The Kids have already decided they suck) but I have a hard enough time keeping up with “my” bands. Anyway, today I got a three-fer with new music …

And We’re Back!

I hastily set up back in 2000 in part to help my job search, and since then I have done one minor design update. After 11 years of pretty much the same design, an update to my site was long overdue. I’ve been thinking about it for years but never got around to it because …

2010 Soundtrack

2010 Soundtrack

My annual “soundtrack project” continues with 2010’s version. I seem to have regressed a bit to my earlier alternative & rap days. Listen on Apple Music (except *) Beck: “Orphans” New Order: “Fine Time” The Smiths: “Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before” The Beatles: “What You’re Doing” The Kinks: “Victoria” The …

GOP: Super-Rich > 9/11 Responders

Apparently, the super-rich are highest on the Republican’s priority list, even higher than the 9/11 first responders they claim to love so much. “Since when does the Republican party make 9/11 first responders stand over in the corner with the gays and Mexicans?” Can it be more obvious that Republican’s core principle = money? (And …

Human Parking Cone

SNL is hit or miss (OK, lots of misses) but the “human parking cone” was one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while.

Ugly URLs, Hand Models, and the Costanzas

Roger Ebert has a pretty active Twitter account with often interesting links. However, I noticed that links to his personal Sun Times blog sometimes have ugly or bizarre URLs. This one was especially bad, with the page being not-quite-HTML-code for four nonbreaking spaces (emphasis mine, obviously): I wasn’t sure what point I was going …