Happy Easter

Man, I really hope Frank isn’t the easter bunny…


Jill was watching this tonight and I had to include it. Funny stuff… If I remember correctly, when disagreement was expressed about [Bush’s] actions when y’all were in power, I believe the response was: “Why do you hate America? Watch what you say. Love it or leave it. Suck on my Truck Nutz.” The Daily …

“It’s Just a Website”

The latest episode of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! chronicled the 1996 failed launch of timanderic.com. It ended with an uplifting little song that may come in handy for me someday, to put things back into perspective:

eWire Review

I forgot to post it here, but In The Gnar (a site about BMX, among other things) wrote a nice review of my old `zine/site, eWire. You can read the article here.

Worst Baseball Announcer

And I thought Joe Morgan was bad. Here’s Dustin Pedroia batting with the count 1-yellow and 1-blue:

New iPod Shuffle

Good thing Apple released a new, smaller iPod Shuffle, because that last version was a behemoth…

Awesome Song Great Job

Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job is bizarre & hilarious. One recent bit that consistently cracks me up is when they took a bit of a janitor’s tirade and used Auto-Tune to make it a song: This clip is from the bizarre Cinco Travel Urinal Shower video.

CD Storage Solution

I have a decent-sized CD collection (about 800 or so) that I rarely use. Pretty much everything I listen to has been ripped into iTunes, so my CDs are just a cluttered eyesore taking up space in my office. I couldn’t justify selling them, since I want to keep them in case something happens to …

Sirius Peart

Jill & I watched the latest Harry Potter movie last night. I couldn’t help but think that Sirius Black was inspired by Neil Peart circa 1977…