Open for Business

I wanted to officially announce that I have left my job to do consulting work full-time. So if you have a need for user experience, user interface, and/or web design, please feel free to contact me. In the coming months I’ll be updating this site to better reflect my services, but in the meantime I’ll …

FAT Zine

You old BMX `zine makers out there (both of you…) might get a kick out of seeing the old issues of FAT Magazine — the original printed versions from the 80s and 90s — making their way online. Issue 16 has a few photos I took of Jim Cavanaugh and Rich Upjohn (page 15) and …

Are photographers really a threat?

Are photographers really a threat? Given that real terrorists, and even wannabe terrorists, don’t seem to photograph anything, why is it such pervasive conventional wisdom that terrorists photograph their targets? Why are our fears so great that we have no choice but to be suspicious of any photographer? I’ve sometimes felt watched when taking photos …

Jill Chapman Shiatsu

Jill is officially starting her business today, and her “real” website is now live at Have a look, and if you’re in the area, sign up for a treatment!

Sox Photos

A friend was able to get us some great seats to the Sox-Rays game this past Sunday. Even though they weren’t the “good” company seats, they were the best seats I’ve ever had at Fenway (two rows behind the photographer’s well). Because there was a good chance of rain (which didn’t happen) I didn’t bring …

Tina Fey: “I can do it!”

It seems like my Ramblings has turned into just a bunch of video clips lately. Oh well, it’s what’s hitting me lately I guess. Anyway, here’s a bit of Tina Fey’s monologue from SNL; her old-fashioned movie style cracks me up.

“Pick it up!”

Use ska to teach your kids to clean their room! This song is from the show Yo Gabba Gabba (which I’ve never seen) and features Alex Desert of Hepcat. (via Battle of the Midwestern Housewives)


While some friends have made fun of me in the past for my preference for short songs — I’ve always thought “If you can’t sing it in 3 minutes, don’t bother” — somebody apparently agrees with me. Joshua Allen did a little “research” to determine that 2 minutes and 42 seconds is the ideal song …