Gruber Proclaims Sox “Classy” For a Day

You already know that Yankee fans are the be-all and end-all when it comes to deciding what’s classy in baseball and what’s not, right? Well, I’m very pleased to report that Daring Fireball tech blogger and Yankee fan John Gruber has bestowed the “classy” label to Bill Buckner’s treatment on Fenway’s opening day! Classiest thing …

New Site for Sinko

I have a new site for my music podcast Sinko: same URL, different look. I was originally using Apple’s iWeb because it was simple and worked well with Garageband (which I use to create each podcast) but uploading was another story: with each new episode iWeb recreated the entire site (which had to be uploaded), …

By-Tor and the Red Sox

Following a series sweep at the hands of the Blue Jays this weekend, Surviving Grady breaks out an ancient Rush reference to help explain what went wrong: Geddy Lee of Rush was in the house… With the guy who wrote “By-Tor and the Snow Dog” rooting against us, there was little we could hope to …

Old Timey BMX

A shirt with some really old school BMX:

Drunk Jeff Goldblum

Hilarious: slow down an old Apple ad with Jeff Goldblum, and he sounds drunk as hell: And if you like Jeff, be sure to check out the Jeff GoldBluMan Group…

Opening Day in Japan

It’s opening day for the Sox! Nothing like getting up at 5:30 for a little pre-work baseball…

Embiggen is Becoming a Perfectly Cromulent Word

While looking at a slideshow on Flickr, I clicked the Options link on the page, just to see what was there. Turns out there’s an option to “Embiggen small photos to fill screen,” a clear reference to The Simpsons episode Lisa the Iconoclast : Jebediah: [on film] A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.Edna: Embiggens? …

Album Cover Meme

Jeff pointed out an album cover meme that’s pretty fun: Just follow these rules to create the cover. The results can be pretty bizarre, but sometimes things oddly work out, like my cover (which, if I had to guess, would probably have a 70’s folk-rock sound to it):

Baseball and Politics

I’m a big fan of Tim Wakefield, but once again I’ve learned that most baseball players don’t share the same political views as me. “[President George Bush] knew who I was, which was really cool, and said, ‘Tim, great job, congratulations,’ ” said Wakefield, who plans to return the pleasantries. “(This time) I’d say, ‘Thanks …