Apple Mail and SpamSieve

I had a bizarre thing happen: the built-in junk mail filter for Apple’s Mail program stopped working for me. After trying everything to get it going again, I decided to clear the spam filter and start from scratch. After training it for over a week, it’s worse than ever: it never marks anything as spam …

Less Lawn

Part of the reason I got into gardening was simply to have less lawn to mow: the more gardens I had, the less grass there was to deal with. (And I enjoy taking care of flowers and shrubs much more than grass.) I came across this site — — that has many ideas and …

Killer Kites

Remember several years back when we (“we” being the United States) got word that the Taliban and/or other radical Islamic groups had outlawed kite flying? And how ridiculous we thought that was? Turns out that the kite flying methods they have in that part of the world isn’t the “let’s get this thing as high …

Get Out and Shoot!

I’m trying to get in gear to take more photos and get to the point where I feel like I’m actually a good photographer and not just a competent one. (Of course, that time will probably never come, so I should just try to get to the point where I can shoot photos that I’m …

Apple Stores

Fortune has a good article about the Apple Stores: Apple: America’s best retailer Some interesting bits: Saks…generates sales of $362 per square foot a year. Best Buy stores turn $930 – tops for electronics retailers – while Tiffany & Co. takes in $2,666… But at $4,032, Apple is eating everyone’s lunch. It shouldn’t surprise me …

Dubya the Menace

Dubya the Menace is a randomized Dennis The Menace comic with real quotes, straight from George W. Bush’s mouth.

Advanced BMX

I don’t really ride any more but I can still appreciate it. This video of Scotty Cranmer takes skatepark riding into videogame territory…

Mooninites Invade Boston

“Gentlemen…behold! I have shut down a major American city!” What drives me nuts about this whole thing — besides the fact that these have been posted around the city for at least 2 weeks before this whole thing (figuratively) blew up — is that TV and newspaper reports keep referring to these small light-up billboards …