2012 Worcester Cup

This past weekend was the Worcester Cup Bonspiel, a curling tournament at The Country Club in Brookline, MA.  The South Shore Curling Club sent three teams (I was on South Shore II) and all three made it to the finals on Sunday, with our team playing for the Worcester Cup! We were pretty proud that our …

The Return of Wire

Way back in the 1980s, my brother and a couple friends started a BMX `zine. It focused on the New England riding scene at the time, and evolved and grew over the years. I made a lot of friends and learned a lot about design and writing, but after 18 issues of Radazine and 9 …

Walking is the Best Exercise

Well, as a “sedentary person” who is finally (now that the snow and cold weather is gone) getting out and walking again, I was happy to read What’s the Best Exercise? (NY Times): [I]n general, a sedentary person’s risk of dying prematurely from any cause plummeted by nearly 20 percent if he or she began brisk …

Note to Self: Be More Like Ben

Buzz Andersen on Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule: When you’re a person who works alone, and whose fortunes are completely dependent on your own day-to-day productivity, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of working all the time… Franklin’s plan is an inspiration to me because it reminds me why I went down …

NH Vacation Photos

Last week we took our first family vacation (to the White Mountains area in New Hampshire) and had a good time, despite some rainy weather. Some photos will eventually end up in my Flickr photostream, but if you’re into looking at people’s vacation slides (and who isn’t?!) you can view them here.

Jill Chapman Shiatsu

Jill is officially starting her business today, and her “real” website is now live at jillchapmanshiatsu.com. Have a look, and if you’re in the area, sign up for a treatment!