Breaking Bad & Game of Thrones Mashup Videos

Taking a break from my usual ramblings for a few videos. First, the “Breaking Bad” intro if it was a 1995 network family drama: And Peter Falk reading Fred Savage “Game of Thrones” instead of “The Princess Bride”: On “Game of Thrones”, it’s true:

Separated at Birth

Chuck Todd (NBC Political Director) and Murray Hewitt (Manager of Flight of the Conchords).

Bill Brasky Quote Archive

“Bill Brasky is a son of a bitch!” “Bill Brasky was a two ton man-mountain who could palm a medicine ball!” “He drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.” “Brasky’s family crest is a picture of a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong.” “I once saw him scissor kick Angela Landsbury.” Bill Brasky Quote Archive

Bush vs. Letterman

Check out a damn funny clip from David Letterman — “George W. Bush Invigorating America’s Youth” — and Dave’s reaction to the White House calling the video a fake. Links to both videos available here at k10k.

Weekend Gardening

While using my company’s TV product,, I was recommended a show on DIY Network, “Weekend Gardening,” so I TiVo’d it and checked it out. Not only was it a pretty good show, but the episode was about starting a garden from seeds — something I was planning to do this year. So why am …