Flatland Fracas 2013

July 21, 2013: Rick MacDonald held the 4th annual Flatland Fracas flatland contest in East Bridgewater. His (and his family’s) hard work paid off, as everybody had a good time…even with the heat. It was very cool that Jean William Provost and Dane Beardsley showed up, as well as riders from New York (Roy de Guzman, who …


Songs About Rainbows

Because my daughter recently sang the song at a recital and I had a Twitter mini-discussion with a friend, this has come to the forefront for me again. I have nothing but respect for Kermit the Frog, but one thing has always bugged me a bit: the question at the beginning of “The Rainbow Connection” that asks Why …


Springtime Curling

The snow is gone, my gardens are coming alive, and yet I’m still doing winter sports. I started curling with the South Shore Curling Club about a year and a half ago. I was happily surprised to find out that the somewhat bizarre sport that I watched every four years during the winter olympics was …

Maul’s Brawl 2013

Maul’s Bike Shop held their annual skatepark contest at Skaters Edge in Taunton, MA on April 7, 2013. Last year there were sooooo many entrants that the contest ran all day, but this year riders pre-registered and things moved along at a nice pace. For an old guy like me, it’s crazy to see the progression …

The Onion on Gay Marriage

As usual, The Onion pretty much nails it: Supreme Court On Gay Marriage: ‘Sure, Who Cares’ Supreme Court Justices Brought To Tears By Heartfelt Testimony Of Bigot Who Hates Gay People Arguments For And Against Same-Sex Marriage: FOR: Bestowing dignity upon a wrongfully oppressed minority just a nice thing to do AGAINST: Runs against article of U.S. …

Breaking Bad & Game of Thrones Mashup Videos

Taking a break from my usual ramblings for a few videos. First, the “Breaking Bad” intro if it was a 1995 network family drama: And Peter Falk reading Fred Savage “Game of Thrones” instead of “The Princess Bride”: On “Game of Thrones”, it’s true:

Moving Forward with Spring

It’s officially spring, yet once again there’s snow falling outside. Luckily it looks like it’s just flurries and nothing will stick, but still…it’s spring, so enough snow! My crocuses have been beaten back several times by heavy wet snow since they started poking their heads out of the ground, but they’re still at it. I’m …